


Vocational Case Management

Vocational case management is the process of assisting an injured person in locating the appropriate job. In this way, the injured person’s abilities are matched with an employer’s needs.

Initial Vocational Assessment Interview

Document the injured worker's transferable skills, educational background and vocational interests.

Employability Assessments

A thorough review of medical records, work history, transferable skills analysis and abilities.

Vocational Testing

Determine interests, achievement, aptitude and work adjustment skills and abilities.

Transferable Skills Analysis

An analysis of the worker's employment history and potential work options that produce a transferable skills report and identifies alternative occupations.

Labor Market Survey

Using selected samples of employers within a geographic area, document current job availability, salary and qualifications for employment.

Job Skills Training

Teach the injured worker how to complete job applications, interview, respond to questions about disability and required time away from work, follow up on applications and resumes, and make cold calls to potential employers.

Job Search / Development

Assist the injured worker with identifying current job openings and arranging interviews. As appropriate, counselor will accompany client to interviews and evaluate job-seeking skills. Includes resume and cover letter preparation.

On-Site Job Analysis

Evaluate work stations at an employer's site according to job tasks and physical demands. Make recommendations, as necessary, for modifications and accommodations appropriate to the client's physical capacities. Provide a written report of all findings. Videotaped job analyses are also available.

Education and Training for Employers

Provide information to employers regarding the value of early return to work. Work closely with the injured worker and the employer to facilitate a positive relationship. Coordinate medical status information and return-to-work prognosis to assist employer with staff planning.